Friday, October 16, 2009

10 weeks

Our sweet Elizabeth McKennon (or Kemma as Houston calls her) turned 10 weeks old yesterday... she is growing like a weed! It is amazing how alert and active she already is. She absolutely loves attention! She is all smiles when talked to, sung to and played with. She definitely recognizes her mommy's and daddy's voices and is amazed with Houston.

Playing on the floor her arms and legs go a mile a minute!

This is the look she gives Houston when he talks to her... And while Houston is a sweet big brother you can already see the fear in her eyes; it like she's already thinking "what are you going to do to me?"


  1. So adorable!! I can't believe she is already 10 weeks old.

  2. Yay! So glad you are blogging now! I can't believe she is 10 weeks either. You are so right...time flies with the second one!
